2009 安得烈行动 Operation Andrew

约翰福音1:35-42 「.. 他先找着自己的哥哥西门..于是领他去见耶稣」安得烈遇见了耶稣之后就把自己的哥哥带到神的面前来,这是神的心意。现今福音的进展一日千里,速度越来越快,是神亲自在全地上完成他的计划 -这福音要传遍天下对万民作见证,然后末期才来到。要知道没有任何的力量能够抵挡得住神的旨意。弟兄姐妹,我们处在教会历史以来最大收割丰收的时刻,就让我们一起跟随圣灵的水流而行。
马太28:18-19 「你们要去使万民做我的门徒」。主乃是对万民说要走出去。走出去做什么呢?拯救失丧的灵魂,这是神最关心的事,也应当是我们最为重要之事。神会动用他一切的力量和资源来完成他心中最重要的事。


Dearest Brothers and sisters in Christ,
Greeting in the name of Jesus. John 1:35-42 “.. The first things Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him .. and he brought him to Jesus” . After Andrew experienced God, he brought his brother before Christ. This action of Andrew’s pleasing to God.
March toward the 21st century, the gospel spread faster than never before. Nothing will stop us from accomplishing His will and vision that God has placed and planted in our lives.
My dearest brothers and sisters in Christ,
Let us work together as one with the Holy Spirit of Christ to receive and see the greatest harvest ever in the history of our church.
Matt 28:18-19 “..Therefore go and make disciples of all nations..”. God tells His people to go and step out in faith to save the lost lives. This is a matter that is close to God’s heart and should also be the most important vision for us as Christians. God will grant and bless us with all the resources we need in order to accomplish this vision. This shows how significant and important this mission is to God.
A church that upholds the “Great Commission” as our vision is a church that will receive many blessings and be filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit. This is because we are working together with God in one accord and this brings favor to our Father in Heaven.
Brothers and sisters, “ Operation Andrew” is not just another strategy of event, it most importantly reflects upon our relationship with our Father- to love what the loves, care for what He care’s most for and to look for a need in the midst of His people and fulfill it.
Let us unite together and work towards the same vision through this operation and witness together the greatest harvest in this crucial period of time.


Posted byPs. George Tiong at 1:07 PM